Diagnostic Technology for the future
  • Why choose Retinal Vessel Analysis?

    - The eye is a non-invasive diagnostic window to the cardio-vascular health of a person. The condition of micro-bloodvessels of the retina can be visually analyzed with iMEDOS tools.

    - Pathological changes of the micro-bloodvessels are an early biomarker for cardio-vascular problems several months or even years in the future.

    - Micro-bloodvessels are also affected by diabetic retinopathy and endothelial dysfunction.

  • Our Focus

    By microvascular diseases, we know:

    Function changes before damages
    Functional vascular changes are detectable often long before the first morphological damages

    Therefore,we focus on Vascular Function Imaging and Measurements to prevent damages

  • New parts of technology
    Diameters are measured alongvessel segments and in relation to time online
    Autoregulation or vesselfunction are stimulated to response for function diagnostics
    Different vessel parametersare calculated from diameters

    Advantages of technology
    High precision up to 1µm
    Easy to handle
    Can be used for Screening(SVA)
  • Two approaches of Retinal vessel analysis
    1. Static vessel analysis (SVA)

    Static vessel analysis needs only one retina picture. Static Micro Vessel Analysis analyses the micro blood vessels of the retina statically, i.e. based on still images taken with a specialized camera

    2. Dynamicvessel analysis (DVA)

    Dynamic vessel analysis uses a Picture sequencefor online measurements of the Vessel diameter. Stimulation responses can berecorded.

Examples of function diagnostics


  • Applications
    Microvascular research
    Vascular diagnostics forophthalmology
    Microvascular riskstratification for ophthalmology and other special fields of vascular medicine
    Therapy/ prevention monitoring